Backup Strategies for your Business Data
Make sure your data is protected by having some sort of backup system in place. Depending on the size of your business and your budget we have several options for you. We can install, maintain and support the following backup strategies for you.
"Help me backup my critical business data"
We are finding more clients every day who are struggling to make sure their business data is backed up. It isn't sufficient backing your data up once and then trying to remember to back it up next friday. For many businesses their data is added to and updated daily. Multiply that truth by the number of employees you have and your data can change very rapidly indeed.
We find it typical that losing just 1 day's worth of data would be devastating for many of our clients, and the more employees you have the more difficult it is to recover back to where you were by following a non-existent paper trail. So a regular review and constant checks and verifications are needed by a qualified technician. That's where we can help.
OR you might want a wireless automatic solution

Auto backup when you walk in
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