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March 14, 2025

Mac or Windows?

Written 2014-08-20. Updated 2014-08-20.

The age old question.

I'm absolutely certain that this article won't convince people who have already wasted their money on a Mac Computer (i know, loaded statement). But it should. Email us with your opinions and i'll put them at the bottom of the article, there isn't the facility to add your own. I've nothing against Apple and others who compete with Microsoft as it has kept Microsoft on their toes and helped develop some great products (like iPhone, Android phones, iPads).

I hope this article will atleast convince some people who are undecided between the two to make a better informed decision before buying. I only want to talk about the full computer operating systems comparisons that the two companies offer on their full PC Systems. I think the iPad is the best tablet on the market (i'll concede that because i have to), battery life, the look and feel, its beautiful, well done to Apple etc. I won't be comparing gaming pros and cons, it's not of interest to me, computers are for productivity in business (and for personal life uses i only recognise what most adults use them for which is emailing, browsing etc).

I'm pro Windows i'll concede that. You'll see that below. But with 15 years experience i know i'm right. I'll be as 'bullet point' as i can be, but some things need elaborating on or i'll just get abuse from peers (i'll get that anyway but less). These are my opinions and my experiences in the field, not copied from other websites where i'm sure there are more points to be found.


Windows (7, 8.1) Mac Operating System
Compatibility: more software and hardware is designed for Windows. If you don't want to hear the words "that company doesn't support your operating system".

More Trojans target Windows. So you do need to be careful. It's an Inherent problem with being the larger, more open marketplace for genuine software companies, cyber criminals can read the same available information. If everyone owned a Mac they would target Macs. It's a numbers game to them. Target 5 million people or target 2 billion people. Which would you choose?

It's a double edged sword situation of being an open marketplace. That's life folks!

Support. There is more support for windows problems on forums etc. I try finding help with Mac issues and i find the run of the mill ones (what i would call run of the mill issues are issues like configuring email settings, word processor settings etc) but i had an issue with a Mac not installing a printer, the other Mac in the office would install it but this one wouldn't. Not a clue could be found on the internet or things to try, things to rip out and re-install, there isn't this knowledge out there in the public domain for Apple

You hear more things going wrong on Windows. It's user error a lot of the time ultimately in my opinion, i never download trojans because i know whats rubbish and whats actually what i want.

But there's support for those people who cant protect themselves like I can. Google, MEGA PC Problems, any computer engineer (grrr).

If it's a hardware issue in particular then that can happen on any computer. People are quick to blame Windows but i've seen plenty a percentage of Macs come with a duff hard disk inside (because guess what? the hard disks are made by samsung or hitachi etc for all manufacturers)

Cheaper. PCs that come with Windows are less expensive to purchase, even the top model equivalents.

Thanks to open competition. Dell, HP, Acer, Independents etc. Thanks to Microsoft's culture.


Windows update. This has got better year on year since 2006. Not only does it fix errors Microsoft makes with some of their software (known as bugs).

But it now can interface with manufacturers of devices (HP, Epson, Brother, Samsung, nVidia etc) and fix known and declared issues automatically.

Unbelieveable convenience.

Cut and Paste files and folders. (Carry on reading, you'll see why this is here)  
Search for Emails (Carry on reading, you'll see why this is here)  
Open excel documents that have come in via email. Every single time! for everyone. (Carry on reading, you'll see why this is here)  
Right click your mouse and see a context menu. (Carry on reading, you'll see why this is here)  

Fewer trojans attack Macs. This is great news! of course. It's related to the compatibility issues and that fewer people own Macs so in turn fewer cyber criminals will target their operating software. And maybe cyber criminals cant afford one.

It won't last forever though for all sorts of reasons i could speculate.

Compatibility. Scanners, printers if they're new enough should be fine but you might be upgrading from an old PC and you'll probably find your old printer needs upgrading too. It's more likely to work with Windows i promise you. You won't find any cheap software that you want/need, you won't be able to borrow a friend's copy and install theirs on to your Mac.

Also big names in business software don't support Apple operating systems. Sage, quickbooks, other business ERP systems, CCTV manufacturers, the list goes on. For home users; there'll be some piece of software you want to download at some point and it just won't run on your Mac. That's a fact.

Beautiful chassis designs.

“Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.” Dorothy Parker.

More Expensive. They've got people wanting their designs, so the price goes up. Only they build these amazing Apple towers and laptops.

I get it, we want things to be stylish, but have you looked at Dell ultrabook laptops and other manufacturers of Tower desktops. There are some wonderful and refreshing designs too. If you spend the same amount of money on an ordinary PC as you would the eventual Mac you decide to get, i promise you you will not be disappointed. I always buy the top end laptop in the range i require and ive no complaints, design-wise weight-wise all that lot.

Windows can run on an Apple Mac. (this is an absolute idiot's reason to buy a Mac computer, if you want/need Windows then buy a windows PC.). I'll carry on without laughing too much and support my claim, and say 'Yes it can run windows'. Why? because Apple finally saw sense and started using generic hardware (the same hardware that is inside the Windows PCs they compete with. ie Intel's x86 CPUs, Intel x86 Mainboards etc). So the argument that Apple Macs are faster is fundamentally flawed. (more about this later)

What they don't tell you is you do actually have to restart your beautiful Apple Mac each time you want to boot into Windows. And buy a Windows licence of course. So by the time you've finished you're skint and you have exactly what you could have had much cheaper.
Below are the big stupid enormously erroneous 'features' of a Mac Operating System that i've found unforgivable, and contemptuous for years.

"Apple Macs are faster".

As touched on above. No they're not. they use the same hardware. Software is reliant on the machine/the hardware, so on balance they're not.

So how can they appear to be then? More efficient software??. I'd like to say no, but i can't truthfully, it is possible (Apple might be hiring teams of different breeds of human beings to programme it, if only Microsoft thought of doing this). i doubt it is this reason though (- come on!).

The best i can say, given my extensive programming knowledge, common sense, and the opposite cons you are about to read, indicate to me that they aren't actually doing the same things in the background as Windows. So it's not a fair like-for-like comparison if they aren't offering the same end result. (see the search facility con opposite, this is an indicator that Mac is not doing the same things in the background as Windows because they've declined to give you this feature. Windows has background search indexers which are running periodically, quite efficiently but still it has a negative effect, but without it when you do come to search for something it wouldn't be as quick would it?, so which devil do you want? and you can't have both or neither. That's life!).


Also, the typical person i hear this claim from ("Apple Macs are faster") typically speaking (and as fairly speaking as i can, now how should i put this?) wouldn't know the back end of a computer from its front if it smacked them on the face 10 times before and after every meal of the day. So you'd have to argue their experiences of a windows computer might be tainted and therefore explainable by, a slower model CPU inside perhaps? (i.e. the generic hardware that you can buy for either manufacturer) and their Windows PC might be infected with a trojan they themselves inadvertently downloaded and is slowing their windows PC down. Which relates to the cheeky earlier comment-apologies, but that's life.


What i can say, with 2 exact same physical spec computers, 1 with Windows 7 on (expertly optimised by a MEGA PC Problems? engineer perhaps), 1 with Mac OS X 10 on. Open internet explorer 10, open safari, browse to a few websites. You'll see the same amount of time taken to open on both computers. No real difference. Thats a fair enough basic test from an average user's perspective if you ask me.

Copy and Paste = Yes. Cut and Paste = No. You CANNOT cut and paste files or folders on a Mac.

Some people won't care/know one bit of what i'm on about. It's a big deal if you do it a lot, let's just put it that away.

To anyone who wants to get things done, and be in control of their computer this is a big deal. But to everyone and anyone with any common sense - why would you buy something from a supplier (such as Apple) that doesn't (AT ALL!!  i.e. there isn't a setting somewhere to turn this feature on) give you the most basic, fundamental, (shoulda been in the consitution kind of thing (sorry, Americanism) option to Cut and Paste files when organising files on your hard disk. You HAVE to copy, then paste, then go back and delete the source? You want me to do that do you, each time? yeaaah. not this side of never.

I promise you, i was working on a new Mac in 2014 and this feature was not there, still.

Please!! This is a common sense, use your brain kind of moment. Why buy something from someone (Apple) who, after 25 years of being in business/in the marketplace/amongst the people, is still not making this feature available when it is so obvious it is useful. Useful technology is why you buy iPhone 5s, why you buy iPads, why electricity isnt still a project in Faraday's workshop, why telephones were adopted, why mobile phones were ever adopted, why email was adopted, (dare i say it) why Fax machines were adopted, why antiperspirant was ... oh wait.

To give you another indication of the mentality and culture of who you're dealing with at Apple. The iPhone 1, 2 and possibly 3 i cant remember precisely. You COULD NOT copy and paste text. So you'd be filling out a form on an iphone in a browser or a settings page. Hold your finger down like you can today..... nothing. No menu popped up with options to select all, cut, copy, paste etc. You can now, finally. You've always been able to do this with the equivalent microsoft pocket pc operating system which pre-dates! the iphone era. You're a step behind with Apple, i cant name every instance in which this is true because i dont go near the things if i can help it as a rule. And you won't realise it until you've bought it.

But cut and paste Files or Folders on a mac, you cannot.

Graphics design. I know graphics designers have used Macs for years, i remember as a child going to work with my mum and she'd be cleaning a posh looking office full of Apple Macs and their designers would be there playing Prince of Persia game on it when they should have been working.

Really though? you still have to buy these graphics applications they dont just come with Apple Mac. Guess what? These applications are available on Windows. Fireworks, Photoshop CS4 etc. Wacom drawing tablets are also available for Windows. I dont know enough about the industry but i'd bet it can all be done on Windows.

Right click context menu. Right click on your mouse - doesn't work until recent versions of Mac OS. I think this has been fixed now, because you can now go into settings and turn on the mouse's right click.

But it's so common place to anyone who wants to get things done quickly and efficiently to have a context menu popup when you right click. Otherwise you have to go to the menu at the top which has numerous clicks to find what you want. Thats what a context menu is for so its there for you with everything that is relevant 'in context'. I think thats why they called it a context menu (answers on a postcard).

Someone pointed out to me that you can hold down the main mouse button and a context menu will appear. So i don't know how long that features been there. Maybe someone can enlighten me. I bet it wasn't long ago. But if EVEN I can't find it then that says a lot for their use of the words user friendly doesn't it? come on.



Search for a Mail Item.

Open your Mac's 'Mail' icon. try searching for a mail item - an email, a contact perhaps, a calendar entry?? go on... Go ooon! knock yourself out. £1500 people, £1500. That's the end of my point really. (oneday, they'll fix this, and i'll look so stupid with this out of date article. But ask yourself this? why wasn't it available right away. It seems obvious to you the customer, and to me a programmer who develops user friendly software for businesses. Why is it not to Apple? Culture. Mindset. Mentality.)

  So you've bought Outlook Mac Version? to combat the above and because you think Microsoft will look after you. It's a good thought - thanks for having it. But guess what? Microsoft can only give Apple the tools, they have to choose to use them (philiosphical;-)). You can't search in there either. (oneday, they'll fix this, and i'll look so stupid with this out of date article. ...... same as above.....)
  "Winmail.dat attachment problem in Mail application."

Type the above into Google. I dare you to read as much as i did about this issue to help a customer when i stumbled across it.

I've only seen this once and it was this year (2014) (but i avoid Macs like the plague to help indicate the reasons why ive only seen it once), and its unexplainable and i couldn't fix it because Apple needed to fix it, if you read the forums you'll hear from people who have contacted Apple yonks ago. Apple will release a fix eventually. You can see it's a problem for lots of people.

More info: In a test I sent the exact same email with an excel document attachment attached to it to me, my customer, and my hotmail account email address. The exact same email, sent out to 3 destinations. The attachment arrives at my email addresses, through Windows, with the attachment intact and i can open it. no problem, happy days.

My customer collects the email on his Windows PC through Outlook. No problem. opens it. Happy Days.

Collects the same email on his Mac through Mail. The attachment is renamed to winmail.dat. Cant open it. hmmm. thinking cap on. I then copy the attachment via a USB pen to the Mac. I can open it, straight away. hmmmm 'something screwy going on here'. Install Outlook on the Mac, collect the email through it instead. Same problem. Winmail.dat.

End of point.
  Does Apple have a pro-active Update Service like Windows Update? I dont know. i'm not going to find out. If the above forum messages i read about the winmail.dat issue is an indicator then. The answer will be no.



Why am I so down on Apple? I dont want to put people out of a job who work in the Apple industry. Not that i ever could. (No, they should abandon ship and show some pride on their own). But if I save one person from wasting £1500 on a useless Mac ornament and living to regret it then i'll be happy. How noble, and here here!, i hear you cry. Apple should do what they do with mobile devices, and any people who are already in the Apple world with Macs (designers etc) should stay there and use them for that as i'm sure they're happy with their tripe. But Apple should not dress Mac Mutton up as Mac Lamb and allow ordinary people (who are quite rightly in the Microsoft world) to think they have a product anywhere near a viable, useful alternative to Windows.

There might be people who think Microsoft are a huge giant from 80s and 90s who need pulling down a peg or two - well they have been; Monopolies commissions all over the world have done that. I used to think that too, possibly naiively, and its not what this is about. Microsoft has helped make the world communicate with standards support and all sorts of things i can't explain in one go, and they haven't done it over night either, of course, things do take time to refine hence windows 3.1, 95, xp, vista (ha!), 7 and now arguably windows 8.1. They should get credit where it is due and this is about knowing a good useful product when i see it. Apple havent got this with Mac OS, they shouldnt be thought of as having it because it muddies the water for everyone and i dont think they deserve the credit.

So people ask me all the time, ALL the time!, 'why dont you like Apple?', and the answer is I do like Apple, but i dont like the Apple Mac product. I've been threatening to write this for so long, so that i dont have to keep trying to remember my complaints on the hop. It needed writing down. So here they are. Bottom line is compatibility, flexibility and usability. And in that order too, for me. Please absorb, make your own mind up and share.


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